Nice one man! Although I understand It is not the best produced; That gives it an almost creepy, 8-bit feel. Almost like lavender town... Love the style and keep it up!
Nice one man! Although I understand It is not the best produced; That gives it an almost creepy, 8-bit feel. Almost like lavender town... Love the style and keep it up!
Nice one! keep it up!
friggin gd uploads
reason we all can't have nice things
Banger! Wish there was more going on in the drop though.
Nice one! Glad you decided to come onto this platform! Easy scout from me :)
Nice one ma dude! you should just be able to raise the compression to lower the file size...
Don't! Post more!
This track is amazing and would love to hear more from you!
Age 20
Joined on 7/24/17